Thursday, July 9, 2009


Not the country's political scene though, have lost interest in that cos Anwar made me disappointed by not over throwing Bomberman and that he didn't do anything at all after a long time of recuperation. Bah. Fuck it, too young for political issues and I don't really care anyways.

K, back to blogging.

I'm mainly talking about office and college politics! Woot.

It's like a battlefield out there. Survival of the fittest, Best man win, One wrong move and you're gone.

Seriously. It's like a gang war out there, only without parangs, but with lottsss of backstabbings.

Today, I'm gonna concentrate on college politics.
There's currently 21 peeps in my class, 6 got blacklisted by nearly ALL of the classmates. This is freakin heavy duty stuff.

Initially there was 1. Over the course of 14 weeks, 6 comes up and most of them only did mistakes once or twice but the damage has been done. Truthfully, I feel kind of sorry for them, not knowing what's going on or why are they treated like that and they don't even realize it. Everyone are just giving them the cold shoulders.

It's such a sad world we live in, where instinct takes place, nobody wants to get eliminated and the best of the best survive. Some of the blacklisted ones really do get on my nerves with their actions or words but still from my point of view, nobody is perfect, not even I.

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