Saturday, October 25, 2008

Changed My blog interface again.


Changed it again. Let me know if it looks better than the previous one alright?

What do you know guys, I'm turning 20 this 7th of November! Wooot!! No longer a teen and a year later I am officially an adult!

Sigh. Time waits for nobody. I'm getting old. T.T lol.

Neways, Pushing the sad news of getting old aside, I'm celebrating my birthday at either 'MAISON' or 'COCO BANANA'.

HUH? Why those 2 places? WHY not MOS? WHY not BAR CELONA? WHY not POPPY?

Well, MOS is fucked up with the small corridors and the no smoking restriction.
And Bar Celona has alot of Fucking lala chais and uncles.
Poppy? It's not open on Thursday.

Huh? I tot 7th is on the Friday?

Yeap. It is, but I'm celebrating on my eve [6th] which falls on Thursday = Ladies Night *wink wink*

Hot Chicks, Alcohol, Cigarettes, Good Friends, A deadly Combination that can never go wrong.

Removed the List of names who giving me bottles cos kena diu. Ahaha!!

20 peeps probably. Or less. I want the alcohol high to last until 3am. *whimper*

Fuck, I'm being totally random.

For those who wana drop by, let me know oraits? So I'll include you in the list.
If you're a chick, well, just dress up and come. The more [chicks] the merrier, right? xD

If you're a dick, well, lol. Unless you're freakin close to me.


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