Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tagged by Hakky

Here goes.

What would it be like if I was born a female instead?

No idea. I'm happy being a male. Although, If I were born a female, I could be very very vain, maybe. No idea though, Not to mention a horde of guys will spend me dinner in their Nissan Fairlady 350z. Ahaha!

What would I do if I could go back in time and do something for someone close to me?

I rather find out the date of the next lottery ticket number and bet a huge amount on it. With that cash, I can make anyone close to me happy and I mean anyone. For now, there's only one person who is worth my time. Past? A few maybe, and I don't give a damn about those few anyway.

What would you do if you had the chance to change a significant decision which had impacted you on your life and career?

What if I punch you in your face and end up in juvenile detention? Lol.
Nah, Nothing changed my life much, although I would choose to study harder during secondary school, but fuck it. I love my life and how it went cos I choose my own path.

What if I could change something about myself, what would it be and why?

Har? Change? No thanks.

What would I do if I could go back to a significant time in history that does not involve actions that I have taken in my life and why?

Learn Martial Arts from Bruce Lee. Why? Cos I'm chinese. Fuck the world. Wacha!

Who wana get tag, just take it la. I don wana list you muthafuckers, FAI SI U EMO.

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